Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paint My Love

Paint my love
Thine hair's color
Make me cry
And crave its savor

Soak my love
In thine tears
Charm my heart
A thousand years

Brand my love
Thine lip's mark
Enslave my words
And chain my heart

Make my love
Thine love forever
Let me love you
Tomorrow like never.


Nilla said...


I'm left speechless and breathless!

Jennifer A. said...

The last paragraph is the most powerful...gosh, love can make u a slave for it...

"Make my love
Thine love forever
Let me love you
Tomorrow like never."

Enemy of the Republic said...

Email me if you want to join Bloodlessness. I don't think you are part of our happy crew. We need more dark and cool poets--actually there never can be enough.

Neer said...

paint me black n white... rainbow

Noni Moss said...

You put me to shame. I love that poem! I'm in awe

Mak said...

@nills, please take a deep breath... You dont have to utter nothing.

@JC, thanks.

@My enemy, Most certainly will, my pleasure.

@Neers, I will, promise.

@Noni, ey yaaah, you know I didn't mean to do that. Thanks for stoping by.

Kafo said...


Kiibaati said...

Cool but the use of "Thine" in a poem is so Victorian. Just my two cents.:-)

Mak said...


That's the aim.

Anonymous said...

Enslave my words
And chain my heart

I can't wait to be that vulnurable again...

Your writing is simply...beautiful!

Daddy's Girl said...
